2018 Haikus


First. Jonahan Kehoe Monument Farms Sells

Monument stands high Best chocolate milk in world

Kids going outside to play Really good, try it

Good life in Weybridge

Second. Esra and Narges Anzali Esra Anzali

Cups of hot chocolate Every time you go outside

And small snowflakes You see Cheerful faces

Melting into warm summer nights Knowing you can trust them


First. Sam Prouty Utopian School Third. Melissa Lourie

Travel takes it toll Children all above average Trees verdant, grass green

Planes, trains and automobiles In Lake Weybegon Fragrant blossoms tumble forth

Home? I’m on the wey! Hello Mosquito

Second. George Bellerose Wonder of the world On Snake Mountain Road

Moderator Spence Our school castle. Those who drink and toss

Never flustered. Knows his Robert’s Thanks Mike N their cans

Do I Hear any Nays? Clark S., 56 knights Prefer Twisted Tea